Comedy Central’s Top 100 Comedians of All-Time

Joke-Tellers vs. Storytellers

Why Are Successful Comedians ALMOST ALWAYS Storytellers?

Success In Stand-Up Comedy Is All About PERSONALITY

Personality is where humor gets its power. It’s the most important factor that makes you unique and memorable on stage and off. Bland comedians doom themselves to performing endless open-mics and hell gigs.

Comedians with personality have huge fan-bases because, personality is an important part of how humans naturally connect with other humans. Human psychology doesn’t suddenly stop working when you’re standing on stage. Personality has always been the key to connecting, and storytelling has always been humanity’s favorite way of communicating.







You’re natural sense of humor has always incorporated storytelling. Storytelling is how humor spreads in the real world. It’s 100% authentic. They are so intimately linked that…

  1. The stories you enjoy telling have shaped your natural sense of humor.
  2. Your natural sense of humor has shaped how you enjoy telling stories.

This has been going on your entire adult life to perfectly balance the type of stories you enjoy telling, how you enjoy telling them, and your natural sense of humor. It’s like a perfect eco-system were everything is naturally in balance and aligned with each other. Just like in an eco-system, if you force something unnatural into the mix the balance fall apart and all hell breaks loose.



Take Your Joke Writing Skills To The Next Level With Storytelling!

Playfully Inappropriate is hyper-focused on one goal: Getting your most unique, authentic, funny self on stage.

Playfully Inappropriate builds off the lessons from Faster & Funnier and conventional joke-writing guides. The course goes beyond simply organizing jokes into a story. It teaches you what the best comedic storytellers of all-time do to captivate an audience, drip with personality and authenticity, and pack organic, natural sounding stories with laughs!

The program teaches an entirely new system of writing comedy. Why is that important? Because your ability to get writer’s block depends on how many strategies you have available to you. While you might get stuck using a conventional method of writing, Playfully Inappropriate uses your own natural sense of humor. In short, it lets you reclaim your natural sense of humor. It lets you put the funniest version of yourself on stage (you know… the one who loves making people laugh off-stage).

QUESTION: Do I need Faster & Funnier or other conventional joke writing guides if I use Playfully Inappropriate?

ANSWER: As with any skill in life, it’s important to build up slowly. Playfully Inappropriate will allow you to create material that conventional joke-telling strategies don’t allow for. If you’ve ever heard a comedian tell “a joke” that doesn’t fit any joke structure, then you already know this. Without a foundation in joke-writing, it might feel like skiing down a double-black diamond slope as a beginner. It provides an unparalleled range of options for writing comedy. While Playfully Inappropriate doesn’t need joke structures to work (just like your natural sense of humor), being comfortable with joke-writing is helpful. Faster & Funnier is designed to give you a step-by-step system that slowly progresses in difficulty. It starts with the simplest types of jokes, but also teaches you how to take more control over your own joke writing. In short, it’s a simple, fun way to learn beginner-level joke writing skills. 

If you have ever felt like your comedy jokes didn’t sound authentic or real, then this program will teach you exact steps on how to break free from hacky, mechanical-sounding jokes.

Playfully Inappropriate and Faster & Funnier are built to work together. In Faster & Funnier, you’ll learn exact steps on writing every major type of joke out there. The program gives you a simple (and FUN) way to learn stand-up comedy writing. Developing a solid foundation in joke-writing is an important first step on your way to comedy success, but it’s not the only step!

To get your authentic, naturally funny self on stage, you need to combine joke-writing skills with storytelling skills. 

Playfully Inappropriate and Faster & Funnier use complementary systems. They’re designed so that you can switch back-and-forth between different comedy writing strategies. Playfully Inappropriate teaches you the most natural, authentic way to begin writing a comedy routine while Faster & Funnier teaches you how to punch up the laughs using conventional strategies. 

Together, they allow you to build believable, authentic, and engaging comedic stories full of laughs

QUESTION: If contemporary comedians use storytelling strategies, why should I learn conventional joke-writing strategies?

ANWSER: The 2 systems are not inseparable. Storytellers still use conventional jokes inside material, but they take a back-seat to comedic storytelling. Think of it this way. Comedic storytelling strategies are used early on in the writing process to create a framework for the story. The comedian than uses as many storytelling punchlines as possible to let their natural sense of humor shine through. It’s only after the story is almost complete that the comedian then switches over to conventional storytelling to add extra punchlines. This results in a performance that feels very natural and authentic on stage (which forms a strong connection with the audience) but still has tons of hard-hitting punchlines! 

You learn both writing styles for the same reason that you learn many different types of jokes. The more options you have to create humor, the better equipped you are to deal with any situation and the more variety you can give the audience (which helps them pay attention to you for longer).

The big difference is that Playfully Inappropriate doesn’t simply result in a few “different-sounding” jokes. It allows you to create fluid stories that engage audiences. By using Playfully Inappropriate early on in the writing process, you can quickly build long stories full of laughs. Then, as the world’s best storytellers do, you can using conventional joke writing strategies (like Faster & Funnier) to punch-up the material and get even more laughs. 

QUESTION: How much overlap is there between Faster & Funnier and Playfully Inappropriate?

ANSWER: None! Each program is developed using a different writing system. Everything is different… from the initial spark of an idea to writing the first draft to editing and performing your material. We mean it when we say that this is an entirely new way of writing comedy. That’s why it’s so powerful. You get two completely separate strategies for writing comedy that complement each other. Together, they’re unstoppable.

Playfully Inappropriate is for you if…

  1. You have ever felt like an imposter on stage because your material simply does sound like something you’d say off-stage.
  2. If you love telling friends funny stories off-stage.
  3. You want to translate the off-stage you onto the stage (without losing any laughs in the process).
  4. You want to engage audiences on a deeper level to build a raving-fan base.

Module 1

The Secrets To Laughter: How To Make Anyone Laugh

Learn the secret behind why we laugh (hint: it has NOTHING to do with surprise!). This module takes you through the entire process that an audience goes through to understand a laugh at a joke. You’ll learn one super-simple method for determining whether an audience will laugh at a joke (and even how you can improve jokes that already get a laugh!)

Module 2

How To Start The Writing Process

What do you do when you’re staring at a blank page? Don’t wait for ideas to come to you! Here’s exactly what you can do to make the early writing process easy and fun!

Module 3

Core Writing Skills

How do you write stories without using jokes? The same way you do in everyday life! This module walks you through a method of writing comedic stories that make it easy and fun!

Module 4

How To Find The Funny In Any Story

So you have your story… now what? Here’s exact steps on how to tease out every funny idea for your story.

Module 5

How To Write Punchlines

Storytelling punchlines aren’t your typical punchline. There’s actually a much easier (and fun) way to create punchlines. Here are exact steps on converting interesting ideas into hard-hitting punchlines!

Module 6

Setup Lines

Wait! Why are setup lines going after punchlines? This is where we play around with the story to make our punchlines funnier and our story more engaging to the audience.

Module 7

Finishing Your Joke or Story

Bringing it all together: Here’s how to combine your setups and punchlines into a fluid, natural-sound story that keeps the audience on the edge of their seat!

Module 8

Walkthrough: From Topic To Comedic Story

Watch as Jared goes through the entire process with his own material. He’ll walk you through each step of the process and tell you what he was thinking and how he created his material, from start-to-finish.

Module 9

Troubleshooting The Writing Process

Here are the most common issues that comedians have with storytelling and exact steps on how to fix them. Use this troubleshooting guide to diagnose problematic material and punch-up stories that are already getting laughs!

Module 10

Psychology of Humor

This module goes even deeper into why we laugh. Using 4 of the most influential scientific theories on humor, discover ways you can boost laughs (and avoid embarrassing punchlines).

Make Your Natural Sense of Humor THE RULE,


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